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10 Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair You Need To Know

10 Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair You Need To Know

  • Even if you follow all of these best hair care tips to grow hair at the same time, keep in mind that hair development is a hereditary process, and no single magical recipe will result in flawless hair.
Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair

We all know the pain of chopping long hair to cope with a breakdown and then having another breakdown on how short now they look. Therefore, we understand the necessity to accelerate the development cycle if you’re hoping to gain or regain greater length.

While there is no secret prescription that can make your hair grow longer overnight, there are definitely some best hair care tips to grow hair you might try to stimulate faster development.

Tired of hair fall and hair damage and are looking for some trusted hair care tips? You are on the right page!

A bad hair day really does exist! Doesn’t it? Do the models’ bouncy and voluminous manes in hair care advertisements frequently seem like a far-off fantasy to you? We concur that most of them tend to go a little too far.

But according to hair care professionals, with the right hair care tips, everyone may achieve the dream of having healthy hair. This post offers a carefully curated compilation of the best hair care advice.

Some approaches entail lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and increasing your physical activity. Another best hair care tips to grow hair is to change your diet and/or take certain supplements. There are other alternatives to using vitamin supplements to produce better hair. 

Hair care tips you wished you knew before

You still have lots of DIY hair growth solutions and over-the-counter hair growth products to choose from. As a result, in today’s article, we will show you how to speed up the growth of your hair!

Also read: Hair oils for dandruff 

Continue reading for the 10 best hair care tips to grow hair to help you develop strong, healthy, and long hair. 

1. Give Yourself a Scalp Massage

Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair
Natural Tips for Promoting Hair Growth

We spend a great deal of time and cash on hair care tips that it’s easy to overlook where hair development begins: on your scalp. A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair development, just as good-quality soil is necessary for developing healthy plants and flowers.

A scalp massage is one of the best hair care tips to grow hair and improve hormones that cause stress, arterial pressure, and heart rate levels. Giving yourself a scalp massage at home is an easy approach to promote hair development.

This increases the circulation to your scalp, strengthens your roots, and allows nutrients to reach your follicles more quickly. You may massage your scalp with dry hair, but incorporating a nutrient-rich oil only increases the advantages. 

2. Get a Trim

How can a haircut be the best hair care tips to grow hair? When you receive a trim, the ends of the strands are removed, which are the weakest sections.

If left as is, those ends may shatter or split. Split ends can move up your hair shafts, making your hair even shorter. If you want to develop, just don’t chop too much. Your hair grows around 1/2 inch each month, so aim for a 1/4-inch cut every three months or so. 

To get rid of split ends, trim your hair every six to eight weeks. When the hair is damaged through heat styling, pollution, smoking, stress, and other factors, split ends develop. The hair does not magically grow more quickly after a trim. Even though hair growth occurs at the scalp level, trimming guarantees healthy hair.

3. Try an Egg Yolk Mask

Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair
Top Hair Care Tips for Faster Growth

On average, hair grows around a quarter to a half inch every month, and while we can’t speed up the process, we can influence the quality of the hair shafts that each follicle produces.

There are steps we may undertake to “activate” a greater proportion of hair follicles on our scalp, which will maintain more strands in the phase of growth while making your hair thicker, more nutritious, and fuller. If your hair breaks before it reaches your shoulders, an egg yolk mask will help. 

To prepare the mask, combine two eggs and two teaspoons of olive oil. To make the mixture less sticky, add 1/2 cup water. Apply the mask to your dry, brushed hair and let it on for up to 30 minutes. Then, use your normal shampoo and conditioner.

Read this also:- Power of Shampoo For Hair Growth

4. Limit heat styling

Sometimes it’s unavoidable to miss heat styling, but on days when you have nothing planned, let your natural strands take control.

Excessive heat style affects the top layer of your hair, making it appear lifeless and damaged. Also, apply a heat protectant on the day you heat style your hair to reduce hair damage.

Long-term use of straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers affects the texture of hair and makes it dry and brittle. Sometimes, curling or ironing your hair is okay but you cannot try these hair products regularly as these dry your hair 

5. Eat healthy

Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair
Best Hair Growth Tips for Healthy Hair

Eating a balanced diet is one of the best hair care tips to grow hair from inside. Biotin is a vitamin known to promote hair development, but did you know it may also be found naturally in foods such as salmon, eggs, and chicken? Hair is made up of protein, thus it makes sense to include a sufficient amount in each meal.

A lack of protein has been related to hair loss, therefore include protein-rich foods in your daily diet, such as lean meats, fish, dairy, and tofu. Enjoy avocado over toast, almonds, or a sprinkle of olive oil over your salad.

The secret to balanced and healthy hair is both internal and exterior hydration. Even if you use hydrating hair oils and products, consuming at least 3 liters of water each day will keep your hair healthy.

As long as we write about skin and hair care, we will continue to say “you are what you eat.” Proteins and amino acids make up your hair. It needs the proper nourishment to maintain and grow healthily. Among the many excellent meals for good hair are eggs, berries, almonds, salmon, green leafy vegetables, and sweet potatoes.

6.Stress Less

Serious stress can cause hair to enter a resting phase, missing the period that promotes growth. It may increase your chance of developing alopecia areata, which occurs when your immune system destroys your hair follicles.

It may also progress to trichotillomania, a strong desire to pluck off one’s hair. When you minimize or control your stress levels, your hair may regrow.

Also read: Ways To Help Your Damaged Hair 

7. Sleep on a Silk Pillowcase

Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair
Best Diet and Supplements for Hair Growth

Another best hair care tips to grow hair is to use silk as well as satin hair wrap or pillowcase is healthier for your hair’s health than cotton, which absorbs moisture and causes tangles and breakage.

While sleeping on a silk pillowcase might not inherently speed up hair development, it does reduce friction and provide a softer surface for hair to rest on.

Read this also:- How to Boost Hair Growth

8. Use keratin-based products

True, keratin-based cosmetics can reduce dryness and make hair look shinier, but they may additionally strengthen hair and prevent future breaking.

The protein, which is safe in nature, coats hair with important oils and nutrients that it requires to survive, creating a perfect environment for healthier strands to develop & Hair Mask For Hair Care.

9. Avoid hot water

Best Hair Care Tips To Grow Hair
Effective Hair Care Routine for Growth

Having your hair and scalp tidy is essential for good hair development, but use mild water since hot water will dry up your scalp and strands.

Choose a shampoo that suits your scalp and hair type, since this will also promote healthy hair development. A blast of chilly water following conditioning can help seal the cuticles on your strands, ensuring your hair is as lustrous as possible.

10. At-Home Hair Oil Treatment

Another best hair care tips to grow hair to promote hair development is to indulge in an oil therapy; sure, we know it’s your mother’s recipe, but you know she’s correct!

Pre-shampoo therapies include massaging and oiling the scalp to increase blood flow, calm your muscles, enhance shine, and nourish the hair. Additionally, it promotes hair development, replenishes moisture, and fixes split ends.

You can pick from oils like castor oil, olive oil, almond oil, and coconut oil. Keep mineral oil away from your hair. You can use coconut oil for you hair growth and shine. 

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Best Hair Mask For Hair Care

You may undertake an at-home hair oil treatment with hot castor oil or buy over-the-counter hair oils/serums that include active and potent components to promote quicker hair development. Also, you need to know which hair oil best suits you. 

11. Regular Wash 

Regular hair washing keeps your scalp and hair clean and clear of excess oil and grime. The ideal frequency, however, will vary according to your hair type and preferences.

Limit your washing to twice a week if your hair is too dry. Washing your hair every other day will assist if you have an oily scalp.

12. Utilize Shampoos Without Chemicals

The type of shampoos you use is something you can manage, but you actually have no control over all the environmental variables that harm your hair. Hair is healthier when shampoo contains fewer chemicals.

Pick gentle shampoos that are suitable for your hair type. While sulfates and parabens are used in shampoos for lathering and preservation, respectively, they might eventually irritate the skin and raise the possibility of hormone disruptions.

13. Natural Hair Drying

We are aware. Your hair will become as gorgeous as that of your on-screen idol after blow drying. But using too much heat when styling your hair can harm the scalp.

If you must, keep it to special occasions only. The ideal method for drying off after shampooing is with a towel or the air. Never comb damp hair or sleep with it in. The cuticle of your hair can be damaged by vigorous towel rubbing. Be kind.

14. Make Use Of A Wide-Toothed Comb

Wet hair is brittle and more likely to break. Use a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair after letting it dry. This style of comb guards against hair breakage.

15. Wear hats or hair caps

The same goes for your hair as it does for your skin when exposed to sunshine. Your hair can lose moisture when exposed to harsh sun rays, which over time can cause it to become dry, brittle, and damaged. When you go outside, cover your hair with caps to prevent this harm.

When you are in a pool, cover your hair with a cap. Your hair will not thrive in chlorinated water.

16. Utilize hairbands

We enjoy showing off our open hair, but we do use hair bands to reduce the hair’s exposure to potentially damaging external factors. Use cloth hair ties as opposed to plastic ones. When creating a ponytail or any other hairstyle, avoid pulling your hair too tightly.

17. Dry your hair using an old t-shirt or a hair wrap

It’s a new one. You may dry damp hair with your t-shirt without harming the hair. Traditional towels cause long-term hair damage by being hard on your hair’s cuticles. From now on, save your soft, used t-shirts!


Even if you follow all of these best hair care tips to grow hair at the same time, keep in mind that hair development is a hereditary process, and no single magical recipe will result in flawless hair. Hair growth is a sluggish process since on average, our hair grows half an inch every month, or 6 inches per year. You need the right food for hair growth.

As a result, in order to see the outcome, you must first give yourself a break and be patient. Eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet with enough protein is essential. Certain goods and treatments may also be beneficial, as may reducing the use of heat procedures and chemical processes.

Hair may eventually cease growing if you don’t take care of it. You can gradually start noticing dryness, dullness, hair loss, and dandruff. Ingrown hairs might develop when you don’t wash your hair for a long time. Yes, you read that correctly. They can also appear on the scalp.

Additionally, you are attracting more dust if you don’t wash your hair for a long time. Using incorrect hair care products might cause itching and hair loss. So, it is very important to adapt these hair care method in your life for long lasting hair growth. Skin and hair care are the important elements, so make sure to take extra care of your hair and skin. 


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