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Discovering Personal Style : Best 15 Factors To Consider

Discovering Personal Style : Best 15 Factors To Consider

  • Now, you can discover your personal style considering a few factors that we have mentioned in the blog. Yes, we know that finding your personal style can be a tough task but not anymore!
Personal Style

You are undoubtedly on the right website if you’re looking to learn how to discover your own particular style because we are here to assist you. We will outline the process for you in this article today. Even though developing your individual style might occasionally be difficult, you will surely succeed if you practise. If you are also on a hunt to find your personal style you have ended up on the right blog. 

Everyone has a personal style, in all honesty; you simply need to recognize it and give it some clarity so that it portrays you in the best light possible. Find out all the underlying factors that will determine your personal style. Your ability to personalize your appearance will depend on the insights you receive. So, scroll down to see how to accomplish it.

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How To Discover Your Personal Style?

Here, are a few ways that can help you discover your personal style. Keep these points in mind:-

1. Understand Your Body Type

The most important thing to know about yourself is certainly your body type. No, not because your body type dictates what you should wear, but rather because you are aware of the types of clothing that would suit you well. It’s more like figuring out your strengths and maximizing them.

2. Examine Your Wardrobe

Take a quick look through your closet and apparel. Take a look at the clothes you’ve bought recently, the items you’ve worn the most frequently, the pile of unworn items, the impulsive buys, the items you hope to one day fit into, etc. Without a doubt, the clothes that are worn the most frequently indicate the fashion you prefer. They all have stories to tell.

Personal Style
Personal Style: The style looks

3. Take a look around you

Make a folder of old photographs of yourself, including your favourite self-portraits and the outfits you most frequently wore, and take a brief trip down memory lane. You now have a better sense of what you want, so you should definitely take another look at your closet, get rid of whatever you do not need, and add to it in line with your personal preferences.

Work on enhancing their looks and considering how to make them fit the vogue. such including a scarf, jewellery, boots, etc. The same type of attire can get a little monotonous after all.

4. Be Aware of Your Personal Style Icon

Who is the one person you admire for their personal style—alive or dead, famous or not? That reveals a lot about who you are, what you like, and what kind of person you want to be. It does, in fact, a lot of the time. Are you more into eccentricity and LBDs like Lady Gaga, Audrey Hepburn, Beyonce, or Emma Stone, or are you all about elegance and LBDs like Audrey Hepburn? Your style symbols can help you discover your personal style, whoever it may be that you admire.

5. What encourages you?

Who are you? Bohemian-chic, yogini, elegant and feminine, sporty or casual? Finding your personal style is generally simplest this way. Consider the fact that each of us has a natural affinity for a certain personal style. Sometimes we already know it, other times we need confirmation from someone. Do you prefer to be prim and proper when you meet a buddy, or do you prefer to put on a pair of jeans, a plaid shirt, some converse shoes, light makeup, etc.? Your next purchases should be based on it.

Personal Style
Personal Style

6. What Colors And Combinations Do You Enjoy Using?

Do you love colourful patterns, colours, and other design elements? Do you prefer subdued, minimalist grey attire? Or do you prefer subtle elegance with a little mellowed-down palette that primarily consists of pastels or other softer hues? Give it some thought for a moment. Colors are a major factor to consider while deciding on your personal style.

7. Which Accessories Prefer?

Do you prefer wearing both large earrings and a single massive neckpiece? Do you like expensive jewellery? Or how about wearing a watch, studs, and a bare neck? Accessories play a significant role in this picture and reveal a lot about your character.

View your jewellery collection or your Pinterest boards to determine what you use the most and what you’ve always been hesitant to try. The majority of the time, this will be consistent with the other topics we’ve covered thus far.

8. What Ideologies Do You Hold?

Do you favour slower paces of life? Do you only purchase products that are free of animal testing? Are you interested in fashion and enjoy staying current with fashion trends? You can extend your perspective while focusing more narrowly if you realize this. This will help you a lot, even if you decide to live a more simple life and experiment with a capsule wardrobe. This is a crucial factor in deciding your personal style. 

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9. Search the shoes you have

Sometimes it is beneficial to proceed backward. Which footwear do you always wear? What clothing do you don daily? Do you favour apartments? Ballerinas or pumps? Shoes or Uggs? Shoe or flip-flops? There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all pair of shoes because you ultimately need to match them to your attire.

Personal Style
Personal Style

10. Brands that You Enjoy

Do you think that the value of a brand is inversely correlated with the quality of its clothing? Do you think wearing branded clothing improves your personality? Or perhaps the brand is less important to you than how it makes you look? Do you put a brand’s or a style’s appeal ahead of comfort? Consider it. Your style can often be discerned by your favorite brands.

11. Have at least One Signature Clothes

Do you grab a scarf to piece together your outlook? Or add layers like a shrug, chambray or plaid shirt, denim jacket, etc.? Wear particular jeans or pants of a certain style or color? Do you like cashmere sweaters or V-neck plain T-shirts? Have one trademark piece of clothes that you feel completes your look in your closet.


It’s crucial to your individuality to develop your personal style. You can determine your sense of style and fashion by being aware of your preferences. Start with comprehending your body type and going through your clothing to obtain a sense of your preferences if you are having trouble figuring out your personal style. Think about your favorite designers and businesses if you need inspiration.

When you have compiled all of this data, organize it and then think about it to better understand who you are and what your personal style is. You should now have a better understanding of how to develop your own personal style, we hope.


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