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Best 7 Vikas Khanna Looks That We Are Loving Right Now!

Best 7 Vikas Khanna Looks That We Are Loving Right Now!

  • Vikas Khanna the man famous for his outstanding food recipes across the globe. But do you know apart from being a great chef, he has an amazing sense of fashion. Check-out now!
Vikas Khanna looks

Vikas Khanna is multifaceted: a chef with a Michelin star, author of cookbooks, restaurateur, filmmaker, and activist. His effortless style and enchantingly boyish smile are the only things that never change in anything he does. Today, we are not going to talk about the cooking qualities of the chef, instead we will talk about the best Vikas Khanna looks. In his sartorial choices, Vikas reflects his belief that the best style rule is “simple, elegant, and natural.”

He carries everything with grace, from suits to casual shirts. Because you never know what experimenting with colour will do to your wardrobe, he typically chooses safe colours. Style is about how you feel, and he likes to think of himself as someone who has a good attitude, which shows in how he looks. Style also includes how you dress. You must have seen very stylish people who only wore Kolhapuris, a white shirt, and a pair of jeans. Your ideal fit is something that is neither too tight nor too loose.

An Armani or Hugo Boss tuxedo is his go-to choice if this celebrity chef needs to dress up. How could we overlook black suits? You don’t look rich with a big wallet. Carry only the essentials: your identification, some small bills, and a credit card. For formal events, dress shoes are a must-have accessory. Also, never wear shoes with square toes. In order for jeans to appear natural, they should distress naturally. or they appear to have expended too much effort in conveying their distress. A trouser with pleats is not flattering. Stick to flat-fronted pants.

Also read: Style for men 

Best 7 Vikas Khanna looks to adore 

We’ve gathered a few looks from Michelin-starred chef Vikas Khanna for you to try today.

1. Classic Tuxedo in Black and White

Vikas Khanna looks
Vikas Khanna looks: Black and White Tuxedo

All men look great in tuxedos, and our celebrity chef, Vikas Khanna, is no exception. He is seen in a tuxedo that is primarily black and white. He also added a black bow that looked like a cherry on top.

2. Bomber Jacket 

He usually likes to dress up, but even when he dresses down, he still manages to impress us. Simply examine his casual attire. Everything is just right: a plain, naked bomber, a bright-coloured t-shirt, and black pants.

3. Experiment With Bright Colours

Vikas Khanna looks
Vikas Khanna looks: Pink Shirt

Vikas Khanna is a man who always rocks three-piece suits. He only uses certain solid colours, but he occasionally tries out other shades. He can’t have missed the new trend of pastel colours. This pale blue blazer that he wears with a nude pink shirt makes him look absolutely jaw-dropping.

4. Funky T-shirts 

This printed t-shirt matches his dark navy blue blazer perfectly. It’s impressive to see this man keep up with the latest fashions and always wear them in his own unique way.

5. Cotton Shirts 

Vikas Khanna looks
Vikas Khanna looks: Cotton Shirts

You might think that dressing like a celebrity is difficult, but our Michelin-starred chef is easy to match. He wears a plain denim pair of pants and a basic blue shirt that anyone can easily style. The look is so comfortable and timeless at the same time.

6. T-shirts for Casual Wear

How can someone look so good in a plain black t-shirt? In this plain t-shirt, this man looks out of this world, and his precious smile catches everyone’s attention. You simply cannot control your admiration for him.

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7. Denim Shirts 

Vikas Khanna looks
Vikas Khanna looks: Denim Shirts

Vikas Khanna looks dapper in everything he wears because of the innocence on his face. This denim shirt is no exception. He looks adorable in this straightforward outfit. You know what makes Vikas Khanna unique? It is his smile and down to earth nature that Impresses everyone. Try out his some dressing ideas because they are worth trying.


Vikas Khanna is of the opinion that it is more important to look good and maintain a classic style every day than it is to look different every day. He used to dress in a single colour to look healthier. A person’s jacket and pants, for instance, could be the same colour. Choose a basic white or black shirt.

You know what makes Vikas Khanna unique? It is his smile and down to earth nature that Impresses everyone. His effortless style and enchantingly boyish smile are the only things that never change in anything he does. He carries everything with grace, from suits to casual shirts. Vikas Khanna is of the opinion that it is more important to look good and maintain a classic style every day than it is to look different every day. Try out his some dressing ideas because they are worth trying

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